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发布时间:2019-11-13文章来源: 浏览次数:


陈立钢,男,1982年生,九三学社社员,教授,博士生导师,“龙江学者”青年学者,哈尔滨市政协委员,东北林业大学“青年五四”奖章获得者。现任东北林业大学教务处副处长,九三学社东北林业大学支社主委,教育部工程教育专业认证专家,黑龙江省教育评估监测专家,中国分析测试协会青年学术委员会委员,黑龙江省化学学会理事,黑龙江省化工学会理事,黑龙江省分析测试学会理事,《Journal of Analysis and Testing》杂志青年编委,《Biosensors》杂志客座编辑。获得黑龙江省高校科学技术奖一等奖1项,梁希林业科学技术奖二等奖1项,哈尔滨自然科学技术成果奖2项。主持国家自然科学基金、黑龙江省自然科学基、哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项资金、中国博士后基金等科研项目18项。以第一作者和通讯联系人在Analytical Chemistry、Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Chemical Engineering Journal、Trends in Analytical Chemistry、ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces等期刊上发表SCI学术论文90余篇,论文被引用3000余次。以主编在科学出版社出版《分离科学与技术》、《分析化学实验》和《磁性纳米复合材料的制备与应用》著作及教材三部。

















7. 黑龙江省博士后科研启动金:分子印迹-荧光量子点复合材料的制备及其在农药残留分析中的应用(LBH-Q14001),10万,2014.12-2017.12,负责人。

8. 哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项资金:基于光磁功能化介孔硅分子印迹复合材料的食品安全检验新方法研究(2016RAQXJ151),5万, 2016.9-2018.9,负责人。

9. 哈尔滨工业大学城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放基金项目:磁性金属有机骨架材料吸附分离水污染物的研究(ES201607),5万,2016.1-2017.12,负责人。

10. 哈尔滨工程大学超轻材料与表面技术教育部重点实验室开放课题:分子印迹荧光传感复合材料的制备及应用,2万,2021.01-2021.12,负责人。







17. 横向课题(遂宁市荣邦化工有限公司):涂料成分的气相色谱改进分析技术,6万,2018.8-2021.8,负责人。










8. “分析化学”国家级一流本科课程,2020年,第二主讲教师。






5. 哈尔滨市自然科学技术学术成果奖(优秀奖):浊点萃取技术分离分析啤酒中的甲醛,2013年,第一获奖人








1. Meng Wu, Chenhui Yin, Xinxin Jiang, Qijun Sun, Xiaoyu Xu, Yanmei Ma, Xinjian Liu, Na Niu*, Ligang Chen*. Biocompatible Abscisic Acid-Sensing Supramolecular Hybridization Probe for Spatiotemporal Fluorescence Imaging in Plant Tissues. Analytical. Chemistry, 2022, 94, 8999−9008, SCI (IF=8.008)

2. Meng Wu, Chenhui Yin, Lixing Fu, Ting Liu, Minwen Jiang, Qijun Sun, Ligang Chen*, Na Niu*. A biocompatible ruthenium-based composite fluorescent probe using bovine serum albumin as a scaffold for ethylene gas detection and its fluorescence imaging in plant tissues. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 435: 135045, SCI (IF=16.744)

3. Chenhui Yin, Meng Wu, Haochi Liu, Qijun Sun, Xue Sun, Na Niu*, Jiating Xu*, Ligang Chen*. Reversible AIE self-assembled nanohybrids coordinated by La3+for ratiometric visual acid phosphatase monitoring and intracellular imaging. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2022, 371: 132550, SCI(IF=9.221)

4. Xiaoshuang Li, Ligang Chen*, Di Cui, Wei Jiang, Lixia Han, Na Niu*. Preparation and application of Janus nanoparticles: Recent development and prospects. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2022, 454: 214318, SCI (IF=24.833)

5. Minwen Jiang, Na Niu*, Ligang Chen*. A template synthesized strategy on bentonite-doped lignin hydrogel spheres for organic dyes removal. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 285: 120376, SCI (IF=9.136)

6. Xiaoyu Xu, Qijun Sun, Yanmei Ma, Xinxin Jiang, Na Niu*, Ligang Chen*. Synthesis of KCl-doped lignin carbon dots nanoenzymes for colorimetric sensing glutathione in human serum. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2022, 364: 131881, SCI(IF=9.221)

7. Qijun Sun, Xiaoyu Xu, Jie Yu, Chenhui Yin, Meng Wu, Na Niu*, Ligang Chen*. Rice straw-derived carbon based nanozyme sensor: Application of identifying human urine xanthine content and study of active sites. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 602: 154372, SCI (IF=7.392)

8. Xinxin Jiang, Xinjian Liu, Meng Wu, Yanmei Ma, Xiaoyu Xu, Ligang Chen*, Na Niu*. Facile off-on fluorescence biosensing of human papillomavirus using DNA probe coupled with sunflower seed shells carbon dots. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 181,107742, SCI (IF=5.304)

9. Yanmei Ma, Minwen Jiang, Xinjian Liu, Xiaoyu Xu, Xinxin Jiang, Ligang Chen*, Na Niu*. Functionally modified cross-linked molecularly imprinted resins: separation and purification of camptothecin and its theoretical study. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 184: 115078, SCI(IF=6.449)

10. Chenhui Yin, Meng Wu, Ting Liu, Lixing Fu, Qijun Sun, Ligang Chen*, Na Niu*. Turn-on fluorescent inner filter effect-based B,S,N co-doped carbon quantum dots and vanadium oxide nanoribbons for α-glucosidase activity detection. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 178: 107405, SCI (IF=5.304)

11. Ting Liu, Lixing Fu, Chenhui Yin, Meng Wu, Ligang Chen*, Na Niu*. Design of smartphone platform by ratiometric fluorescent for visual detection of silver ions. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 174: 107016, SCI (IF=5.304)

12. Ran Yin, Lei Gao, Dongli Qin, Ligang Chen*, Na Niu*. Preparation of Porous Carbon Based Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Separation of Triazine Herbicides in Corn. Microchimica Acta, 2022, 189: 23, SCI (IF=6.408)

13. Lixing Fu, Ting Liu, Fan Yang, Meng Wu, Chenhui Yin, Ligang Chen*, Na Niu*. A multi-channel array for metal ions discrimination with animal bones derived biomass carbon dots as sensing units. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 2022, 424: 113638, SCI (IF=5.141)

14. Xue Sun, Minwen Jiang, Ligang Chen*, Na Niu*. Construction of ratiometric fluorescence MIPs probe for selective detection of tetracycline based on passion fruit peel carbon dots and europium. Microchimica Acta, 2021, 188: 297, SCI (IF=6.408)

15. Han Shi, Ligang Chen*, Na Niu*. An off-on fluorescent probe based on graphene quantum dots intercalated hydrotalcite for determination of ascorbic acid and phytase. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 345: 130353, SCI (IF=9.221)

16. Han Shi, Liang Zhang, Guoliang Yu, Yuting Liu, Ligang Chen*. Molecularly imprinted mesoporous silica incorporating C3N4dots and CdTe quantum dots as ratiometric fluorescent probe for determination of malachite green. Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186(8): 556, SCI (IF=6.408)

17. Shengnan Xu, Ligang Chen*, Ling Ma*. Fluorometric determination of quercetin by using graphitic carbon nitride nanoparticles modified with a molecularly imprinted polymer. Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185(10): 492, SCI (IF=6.408)

18. Xiaoyu Zhao, Ligang Chen*, Bin Li*. Magnetic molecular imprinting polymers based on three-dimensional (3D) graphene-carbon nanotube hybrid composites for analysis of melamine in milk powder, Food Chemistry, 2018, 255: 226-234, SCI (IF=9.231)

19. Liang Zhang, Ligang Chen*. Visual detection of melamine by using a ratiometric fluorescent probe consisting of a red emitting CdTe core and a green emitting CdTe shell coated with a molecularly imprinted polymer. Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185(2): 135, SCI (IF=6.408)

20. Haochi Liu, Ligang Chen*, Jie Ding*. A core-shell magnetic metal organic framework of type Fe3O4@ZIF-8 for the extraction of tetracycline antibiotics from water samples followed by ultra-HPLC-MS analysis. Microchimica Acta, 2017, 184: 4091–4098, SCI (IF=6.408)

21. Xiaowan Li, Ligang Chen*. Fluorescence probe based on an amino-functionalized fluorescent magnetic nanocomposite for detection of folic acid in serum. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8: 31832–31840, SCI (IF=10.383).

22. Liang Zhang, Ligang Chen*. Fluorescence probe based on hybrid mesoporous silica/ quantum dot/ molecularly imprinted polymer for detection of tetracycline. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8: 16248–16256, SCI (IF=10.383).

23. Haochi Liu, Xiaohui Ren, Ligang Chen*. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic metal-organic framework for the adsorptive removal of Rhodamine B from aqueous solution. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016,34: 278-285, SCI (IF=6.760)

24. Xiaoshan Sun, Haijian Ou, Changfeng Miao, Ligang Chen*. Removal of sudan dyes from aqueous solution by magnetic carbon nanotubes: equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2015, 22: 373-377, SCI (IF=6.760)

25. Lei Gao, Ligang Chen*, Xiaowan Li. Magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers based on carbon nanotubes for extraction of carbamates. Microchimica Acta, 2015, 182:781-787, SCI (IF=6.408)

26. Xiaohui Ren, Haochi Liu, Ligang Chen*. Fluorescent detection of chlorpyrifos using Mn(II)-doped ZnS quantum dots coated with a molecularly imprinted polymer. Microchimica Acta, 2015, 182: 193-200, SCI (IF=6.408)

27. Xiaohui Ren, Ligang Chen*. Quantum dots coated with molecularly imprinted polymer as fluorescence probe for detection of cyphenothrin. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 64: 182-188. SCI (IF=12.545)

28. Chenyu Li, Ligang Chen*, Xiaoxiao You. Extraction of sudan dyes from environmental water by hemimicelles-based magnetic titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21: 12382-12389, SCI(IF=5.190)

29. Ligang Chen, Bin Li*. Magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer extraction of chloramphenicol from honey. Food Chemistry, 2013, 141: 23–28. SCI (IF=9.231)

30. Wenjuan Xing, Ligang Chen*. Micelle-mediated extraction and cloud point preconcentration of bergenin from Ardisia japonica. Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 110: 57–62 SCI (IF=9.136)

31. Lei Gao, Ligang Chen*. Preparation of magnetic carbon nanotubes for separation of pyrethroids from tea samples. Microchimica Acta, 2013, 180: 423-430. SCI (IF=6.408)

32. Ting Wang, Xiaoling Gao, Jia Tong, Ligang Chen*. Determination of formaldehyde in beer based on cloud point extraction using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine as derivative reagent. Food Chemistry, 2012, 131: 1577-1582. SCI (IF=9.231)

33. Ligang Chen*, Ting Wang, Jia Tong. Application of derivatized magnetic materials in separation and preconcentration of pollutants from water samples. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 30: 1095-1108. SCI (IF=14.908)

34. Ligang Chen, Qi Zhao, Yang Xu, Lei Sun, Qinglei Zeng, Haoyan Xu, Hui Wang, Xiaopan Zhang, Aimin Yu, Hanqi Zhang, Lan Ding*. A green method using micellar system for determination of sulfonamides in soil. Talanta, 2010, 82: 1186-1192. SCI (IF=6.556)

35. Ligang Chen, Qi Zhao, Haiyan Jin, Xiaopan Zhang, Yang Xu, Aimin Yu, Hanqi Zhang, Lan Ding*. Determination of xanthohumol in beer based on cloud point extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. Talanta, 2010, 81: 692-697.SCI (IF=6.556)

36. Ligang Chen, Xiaopan Zhang, Yang Xu, Xiaobo Du, Xin Sun, Lei Sun, Hui Wang, Qi Zhao, Aimin Yu, Hanqi Zhang, Lan Ding*. Determination of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in environmental water samples based on magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer extraction followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 662: 31-38. SCI (IF= 6.911)

37. Ligang Chen, Xiapan Zhang, Lei Sun, Yang Xu, Qinglei Zeng, Hui Wang, Haoyan Xu,Aimin Yu, Hanqi Zhang, Lan Ding*. Fast and selective extraction of sulfonamides from honey based on magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009, 57:10073–10080. SCI (IF=5.895)

38. Ligang Chen, Qinglei Zeng, Hui Wang, Rui Su, Yang Xu, Xiaopan Zhang, Aimin Yu, Hanqi Zhang, Lan Ding*. On-line coupling of dynamic microwave-assisted extraction to solid phase extraction for determination of sulfonamide antibiotics in soil. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2009, 648: 200-206. SCI(IF=6.911)

39. Ligang Chen, Haiyan Jin, Haoyan Xu, Lei Sun, Aimin Yu, Hanqi Zhang, Lan Ding*. Microwave-Assisted Extraction Coupled Online with Derivatization, Restricted Access Material Cleanup, and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography for Determination of Formaldehyde in Aquatic Products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2009, 57: 3989-3994. SCI (IF=5.895)

40. Ligang Chen, Daqian Song, Yuan Tian, Lan Ding*, Aimin Yu, Hanqi Zhang. Application of on-line microwave sample preparation techniques. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 27:151-159. SCI (IF=14.908)

41. Ligang Chen, Haiyan Jin, Lan Ding*, Huarong Zhang, Juan Li, Chenling Qu, Hanqi Zhang. Dynamic microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoids from Herba Epimedii. Separation and Purification Technology, 2008, 59: 50-57. SCI(IF=9.136)

42. Ligang Chen, Aimin Yu, Xiaodong Zhuang, Kui Zhang, Xiupin Wang, Lan Ding*, Hanqi Zhang. Determination of andrographolide and dehydroandrographolide in rabbit plasma by on-line solid phase extraction of high-performance liquid chromatography. Talanta, 2007, 74:146–152. SCI (IF=6.556)

43. Ligang Chen, Lan Ding*, Aimin Yu, Ruilan Yang, Xiupin Wang, Jiantao Li, Haiyan Jin, Hanqi Zhang. Continuous determination of total flavonoids in Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco by dynamic microwave-assisted extraction coupled with on-line derivatization and ultraviolet-visible detection. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007, 596: 164–170. SCI (IF=6.911)

44. Ligang Chen, Lan Ding*, Haiyan Jin, Daqian Song, Huarong Zhang, Jiantao Li, Kun Zhang, Yutang Wang, Hanqi Zhang. The determination of organochlorine pesticides based on dynamic microwave-assisted extraction coupled with on-line solid-phase extraction of high-performance liquid chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007, 589: 239–246. SCI (IF=6.911)

45. Ligang Chen, Lan Ding*, Huarong Zhang, Juan Li, Yutang Wang, Xiupin Wang, Chenling Qu, Hanqi Zhang. Dynamic microwave-assisted extraction coupled with on-line spectrophotometric determination of safflower yellow in Flos Carthami. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006, 580: 75–82. SCI (IF= 6.911)


1.陈立钢,王霆,佟佳.利用基质固相分散技术检测土壤中抗生素残留的方法.专利号:ZL 201010617661.0, 2012年11月授权

2.陈立钢,李晨宇,廖丽霞.一种利用磁性氧化钛胶束体系去除水体中农药残留的方法.专利号:ZL 201310026883.9, 2013年10月授权

3.陈立钢,洪言锁,李斌.利用分子印迹—基质固相分散技术分离喜树碱的方法.专利号:ZL 201210540350.8.2014年7月授权

4.陈立钢,朴春颖,李暐.一种苏丹红磁性分子印迹聚合物的制备方法及苏丹红磁性分子印迹聚合物的使用方法.专利号:ZL 201310026881.X 2014年8月授权

5.陈立钢,刘浩驰,吕洁. 一种利用磁性金属-有机骨架材料去除水中染料的方法.专利号:ZL 201410283295.8.2015年5月授权

6.陈立钢,邢文娟,张锋.一种利用胶束体系分离分析中药材中农药残留的方法.专利号:ZL 201410330830.0. 2015年7月授权

7.陈立钢,高磊,刘毓琪.一种碳纳米管基磁性有机磷分子印迹聚合物的制备方法和应用.专利号:ZL 201310378769.2. 2015年10月授权

8.陈立钢,刘浩驰,孙晓琪.利用pH调节的磁性金属-有机骨架材料去除染料的方法.专利号:ZL 201610214621.9. 2018年1月授权

9.陈立钢,游晓晓,方涛.碳纳米管基磁性杀菌剂分子印迹聚合物的制备及应用方法.专利号:ZL 201610214624.2. 2018年1月授权

10.陈立钢,张靓,贾丽娜.介孔分子印迹荧光探针的制备及其检测四环素类抗生素.专利号:ZL 201610214652.4. 2018年7月授权

11.陈立钢,孙雪,牛娜.一种碳量子点-分子印迹复合材料的制备方法及利用其分析农药硝磺草酮残留的方法.专利号:ZL 201711055068.X. 2019年5月授权

12.陈立钢,王丹阳,张頔娅,赵晓虹.利用金属有机骨架@介孔硅复合材料-基质固相分散技术分离富集槲皮素的方法.申请号:ZL 201810623656.7 2019年12月授权

13.陈立钢,孙雪,孙晓琪.一种分子印迹比率荧光探针的制备方法及利用其检测土霉素的方法.申请号:ZL 201910284988.1,2021年6月18日授权



16. 陈立钢,吴梦,牛娜.一种利用牛血清白蛋白为支架的化学荧光探针检测水果中乙烯的方法,申请号:202110398591.2.

17. 陈立钢,孙麒竣,牛娜.一种制备水稻秸秆碳量子点纳米酶的方法及其过氧化物酶活性的应用,申请号:202111225371.6







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